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My “original baby”. I came to see the smallest cutest 4 week old litter of “cow-babies” 17 years ago. I sat down on the ground and you sat on my foot. That was the first time you made me smile. You were the smallest of the bunch. (My how you grew to 22 lbs!) We thought most-likely you were a girl. I wanted a boy, but you melted my heart. You were the one. You will always be so many things to me. You made me laugh and kept me company. You gave me kisses on your own and when I asked. You asked for water, ice in your bowl, food and treats. You just knew things; so smart. I will miss holding you like a baby, petting you right above your ears in that sweet-spot that you loved and kissing your warm ears. I will miss looking into those sweet round eyes. I will miss you every morning sitting outside the bedroom door waiting for me to wake up. I will miss you walking toward me to greet me whenever I came out in the middle of the night. I will miss you waiting by the door for me to come home. You came to the front door like a dog, to say hi to everyone who rang the bell. “Bubee in a bowl”, “Bubee under the chair”, running back and forth across the house; you made us laugh. You brought such joy to the family; Grandmom & Grandpop included. You kneaded my hair; I was your mom! I loved that. I will always feel so lucky that you blessed my life and made my childhood dream a reality. THANK YOU Bubee. I hope it’s true that I will get to be with you again one day. I will certainly always long for that. I will love my “Genius, Gorgeous, Good Boy” forever and ever. Thank you Marnie. Thank you Save The Cats.

Peri AKA Precious
The following are words from Peri's mom and dad: It was serendipity that brought us to the Jenkintown PetSmart in September of 2007. My wife and I were driving back from a trip when we decided to take a detour and stop by to see our friends at Save the Cats. Soon after our arrival Carol called out to me to meet this super friendly brown tabby in one of the cages. The name on her cage identified her as “Precious”, and that she certainly was. When you put your hand in her cage, it seemed she never tired of giving it affectionate head butts. But I was not convinced, still not quite healed from losing our previous cat. But after a few more head butts, I was smitten, and this new darling cat entered our lives. We changed her name to Peri. Once she was home with us it did not take long to discover she was very well behaved. And very quickly she fell into a pattern that persisted to her last days, sleeping with me in bed or in my easy chair in front of our TV. We sure did watch many great movies together. There was a wide range of age estimates that several veterinarians provided, but we felt that she was 7 – 8 years old at the time of adoption. Over the years her communication skills improved and for the last four or five years she expressed her desires by touching my face, gently, with her paws. Usually this related to food requests but it could also mean that she wanted petting or brushing. She loved getting brushed. In her last weeks with us, when her appetite had plummeted the face touching was a clear sign that she wanted to be comforted with petting. We miss the clicking of her nails on our linoleum kitchen floor and the way she would try to entice me to stay home in the morning when I was trying to leave for work, by lying on the floor and looking at me upside down while showing me her belly. She loved belly rubs. With love, always, Dennis and Carol

Peri aka Precious
7/30/14 Precious was first found living near an industrial park in Bristol. A woman had been feeding her there for a few years before she contacted STC to see if we could find this kitty a forever home. She was adopted by one of our volunteers and was renamed Peri. For the next 7 years she was queen of the house and was quite the pampered kitty. Age finally caught up with her and she was suffering from arthritis and a heart murmur when her kidneys started to fail. Her person told us that "She seemed to enjoy my company through her last days but her discomfort was obvious and using my best judgment thought she was suffering too much and took her in for her final rest." As sad as it is to lose one of our furry friends, it makes us at STC glad that this kitty did truly have a forever home and was loved to the very end.

A little over 11 years ago , we adopted our Zach from Save the Cats. From the moment one of your volunteers placed Zach in my arms I knew he was going to be part of our family. He was such a smart cat. One of our most favorite memories of Zach is when he would sit on his designated chair with us at the kitchen table , just to be around us, but never tried to take food. He was Top Cat, but also very sweet and lovable . Sadly, he succumbed to kidney failure on May 8, 2013 . We miss him very much. Thank you Save the Cats, for letting us experience the joy of having Zach in our life. Diane Ryan and family

Ginger AKA "Bitey"
Bitey was rescued at an over 55 community. She was the quirkiest cat that I had ever met. We had fostered Bitey for over 2 years, and Bitey had become a love of a cat. She earned her nickname because she sometimes would suddenly bite if overstimulated. She never broke skin and always gave warning when she was about to snap. That adorable look in her eyes right before she was going to snap was actually endearing. Sadly. Bitey unexpectedly passed, giving us no warning signs at all. We are thinking it may have been an undiagnosed heart issue because of the suddeness of her death. I can at least rest assured knowing that Bitey received the best of care while with us. She was loved, pampered, and will be forever missed. Bitey, Bitey, Bitey....

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